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LVDT Applications & Uses

LVDTs are used in a wide variety of applications. Several of the more common methods of use have been documented in detailed articles.

Crankshaft Balancer

Low-cost LVDT, with refined signal conditioning, resolves to a millionth of an inch for this automotive crankshaft balancer. Series 280

Testing Soil Strength

DCDT measures soil sample deformation under load to determine soil strength. Series 240

Pill Making Machine

In making tablets from medicinal powder, dual LVDTs control pill weight & thickness. Series 210

“Brain Probing” Medical Device

Special AC LVDT is critical part of this medical instrument that assists with brain surgery. Series 230

Replacing the “Fastar”

Our AC LVDTs could be a fitting replacement for the “Fastar” variable inductor device. Series 210

Product Inspection Machine

Using our small-package LVDTs, these machines check the final dimensions on flat-panel displays. Series 230

Automation Assembly Equipment

These assembly systems increase production efficiencies and use our LVDTs for automated part inspection. Series 230

Force Generation System

Providing direct feedback of a piston, our DCDT helps to control static position and dynamic excitation in a system that tests automotive suspension structures. Series 240

Portable Friction Welder

Friction welds are produced by spinning one metal object at very high RPM against another while simultaneously moving the two pieces closer together; an LVDT measures the distance between the approaching metals. Series 230

Robotic Cleaner 

A hydraulic oil compatible LVDT is used to continuously monitor fluid level as part of leak detection system. Series 240

Borehole Extensometer

Borehole depth measurement is simplified using a DC LVDT in a robust extensometer design. Series 240

Octane Analyzer

An LVDT provides displacement feedback of an air cylinder on a Waukesha engine; this is done to measure engine knock and determine octane ratings for different fuel mixtures. Series 210

Bottle Height Inspection

Height measurement during a bottle assembly process is critical in assuring uniform product; an LVDT replaces limit switches for higher resolution on bottle inspection machinery. Series 240

Scanning Laser Tomography

Who doesn’t get jittery waiting for that puff of air in a glaucoma test??? A relatively new laser scanning system, that uses an LVDT for precise optic positioning, eliminates the air rush altogether. Series 240

Automotive Suspension System

The low cost and ruggedness of an AC LVDT is ideal for a revolutionary type of active control suspension system for large trucks and buses. Series 280

Dollar Bill Thickness in ATM Machines

High precision and repeatability are essential in detecting the number of bills dispensed by an ATM. Series 230

Robotic Manipulator

Joystick control is enhanced by DC LVDTs used in 3 axes for heavy equipment robotics. Series 240

Specific Gravity Sensor

Fluids used in the PC board wave soldering industry must be monitored by their specific gravity; this is done by linking an LVDT to the mechanical float assembly of a S/G probe. Series 240

Weighing Systems

Load cells and other types of weighing equipment, such as checkweighing systems, can benefit from the infinite resolution and high accuracy of an LVDT. General Purpose

Servo Valve Positioning

LVDTs can be used to measure spool position in a wide range of servo valve applications. Typically, the units are positioned over an isolation tube, isolated from the pressurized environment. General Purpose

Hydraulic Cylinder Displacement

LVDTs are used extensively to provide displacement feedback for hydraulic cylinders. Several mounting configurations, both internal and external, are discussed. General Purpose